Hi, I’m Susan Nilon

As founder of this empowering community for women entrepreneurs. My journey has been filled with the excitement and challenges of transforming innovative ideas into flourishing start-ups. Through these experiences, I’ve gained invaluable insights into what truly makes a business succeed. I’m passionate about sharing this knowledge and supporting women on their entrepreneurial paths. Here, we’re not just building businesses; we’re nurturing dreams and creating a supportive space where women can learn, grow, and succeed together. Welcome to our community – I can’t wait to see the incredible things we will achieve together!

Early on

Early on in my career, I embarked on an adventurous path of entrepreneurship, founding several businesses across diverse fields. This included a contracting company, where I honed my skills in project management and operations, a media company that allowed me to delve into the dynamic world of communications, and a government advocacy company, where I navigated the intricate landscape of public policy and advocacy.

My educational journey was equally enriching—I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Temple University, and a degree in teaching from Rowan University. At 55, I followed my lifelong dream of pursuit of legal studies, culminating in a law degree from Western Michigan University. This diverse blend of professional and academic experiences has been instrumental in shaping my approach to business and leadership.


Currently, my focus has shifted towards leveraging this wealth of experience to foster a community where women entrepreneurs can thrive. With a deep understanding of the various facets of running diverse businesses and the insights gained from my legal education, I am passionately committed to mentoring and supporting female business leaders.

My goal is to create a nurturing space where women can access the resources, guidance, and network they need to successfully launch and grow their ventures. This community is more than just a platform; it’s a movement to empower women in the business world, helping them to navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and ultimately, to redefine the landscape of entrepreneurship.

As I channel my energies into this new venture, my role as a proud mom and wife remains at the core of who I am. Balancing family life with a professional career has always been paramount to me. It is my hope that you will benefit from all I have learned.